
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why Organic is Important..and How to know what really is Organic.

So, there is a lot of talk about eating organic. There are people like me who strongly believe in it, and then there are those who question it.

Why is it important, and how do you know you are truly eating organic?

Hubby and I eat organic, and I am confident that it is better for our health.

You may be asking:

Why eat organic?

Here's why:
  • Organic food has far less pesticides than conventional produce
  • There is evidence that organic produce contains more nutrients than it's non-organic counterparts.
  • It tastes better!  It is not coated in a bunch of chemicals, so you can actually taste the produce!
  • Organic meat is not given hormones, making it safer than those that are injected with hormones.
  • Organic food in not GMO ( genetically modified).
Check out more reasons why here:

How do I know Organic really is better for me?

Lucky for us, there are rules in place to make sure that organic truly is organic. 

 "Before a product can be labeled ‘organic,’ a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDAorganic standards.  Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too."

There are different levels of organic.

I always look for certified organic when shopping for organic food. This ensures that my food most certainly is organic. 
I don't want to be eating pesticides, chemicals, and GMO's!

I always look for this seal!
This means I can trust that my food really is what it claims to be.

not my photo. image from

How are the organic products monitored and assessed?

The NOP (National Organic Program) makes sure that the organic animals, produce, and other agriculture are all up to the USDA organic standards.  Organic certification agencies verify and inspect to make sure that the organic farms, ranchers, processors, and distributors meet the USDA organic guidelines.

The USDA also conducts investigations and has enforcement policies in place to make sure that organic products are up to regulation.

If your organic product carries the USDA seal, that you can be certain that your organic product contains 95% or higher organic content.

There are 30,000 on site inspections every year by certifying agents who monitor compliance with USDA organic standards.
There are also audits, residue testing, and other compliance and enforcement activities.

To view details on organic regulations, go here

Please view the links and resources below for detailed, valuable information.

After reading all of these links, I feel so much better knowing that the organic produce I am buying really is organic. 

Do you buy organic? 
Have you had people question or challenge you because you do?

I know that I want to eat pesticide free, GMO free, chemical free food...this means buying certified organic.

I know that no system is 100% perfect all the time, but buying organic is way better for my body than conventional produce.

Additional resources for this post, and to learn more about organic:

Be Happy HEALTHY & Strong,


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