
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful for having weights to work out with at home. I missed my alarm....again. It has been a rough couple of months with fibromyalgia. By noon or so though I usually feel a little better and can get a light work out in if Baby A allows it. 
I am thankful that she allowed it today!

I am also thankful that it will be warm out soon enough and that soon I will be feeling well enough to get back into my gym routine! I don't like the feeling that I am slacking, even if it is because of a health condition. I try to push myself in every way, because I know I can be something great!

I am thankful for the meditation challenge, it has really helped me to be more calm and focused over the past week, especially amidst everything going on lately.

I am thankful that Baby A has taken an interest in the potty. I am now praying that she will start using it. She is early with the potty training and that is wonderful, at least she isn't late with it. I think all kids should at least try the potty before 2 years old. Even if it isn't full potty training, it will help them later on when they do.

I am thankful to have a new food processor as it will make things a lot easier!

What are you thankful for today?

Be Happy Healthy & Strong,


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