
Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day....How Do You Celebrate?

We are celebrating Earth Day by planting our garden ! We bought our soil yesterday and are excited to get planting!

Honestly though, it bothers me that we have to have an Earth Day to remind people to take care of the earth.
Isn't it something we should be doing daily?

In our home, Earth Day is every day. Taking steps to be kinder to ourselves and to our planet, should be something that  we all strive for....on a regular basis. 

If we all just do one thing on Earth Day, it is not going to amount to enough to help our planet. What is going to help our planet is the daily task of  caring for the soil that we live on.

Recycling. Reducing waste. Eating clean whole foods. Reusing items instead of trashing them. Buying used instead of new. Eliminating harsh chemicals from our lives. Using cloth diapers. Breastfeeding.

These are just a few of the things we can do to help our Earth be healthy and clean.

Interesting fact, Baby A's name means "Earth's Companion" and she is turning 17 months old today on Earth Day. I love that she is an earth baby. I want her to feel connected to nature. I want her body, mind, and soul to be nourished by whole things, beautiful things.

She is full of laughter and love, she loves the outdoors. Every day she wants me to open the blinds so she can see outside, and every time we go outside she gets so excited! 

I wish that more children had the opportunity to be connected.

Sitting in front of a TV all year long ( although once in a while TV is okay), then only venturing outside for Earth Day or the occasional trip to the not healthy. People are so disconnected from what feeds our lives and makes us whole.

This Earth Day, I want to challenge each and every one of my readers to reconnect.

Make a commitment to reconnect to the planet in some way. Whether that be planting a garden, starting a clean whole foods plant based diet, or committing to spending at least 10 minutes outdoors each day. I want to challenge you to make a commitment to reconnect with the Earth in some way for an entire year, starting on Earth Day.

What are you committing to?

I would love to hear, no matter how big or small!

Every day is Earth Day!

Be Happy Healthy and Strong,


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