
Friday, April 5, 2013

Environment Furniture...Fancy Friday!

I recently ran across Their stuff is so unique! I don't own any nor have I ever come into contact with the company, but I ran across their site and started browsing
....I think I have a wish list a mile long now.

Anyway, here are some of their products that I love the design of. These aren't my photos, just photos from their site.

I love the earthy modern feel I get from these pieces.

Santomer Bed

Santos Platform Bed

Mushroom End Table
Drawer blends so seamlessly with the rest of the table.

Safia Sectional, 
not a fan of this color but I like the 1800 Graphite & 1800 Slate colors the best.

Drift Chair, this chair looks super comfy!

Here's the side view, I think the angle is what makes it look comfortable.

Boya Lamp

I love that their products are made out of reclaimed materials. For example the couch and chair are made out of reclaimed Army tent materials, and the lamp is made out of reclaimed oak or natural maple ( according to their website).

I thought these items were pretty cool. I would love to be able to see them in person some day, but it is fun to day dream!

What is your furniture style?
Be Happy Healthy & Strong,


Head over to MommySplurge to check out more Fancy Friday posts!


  1. I love that furniture. I wasn't supposed to be buying anything. But I *really* need a headboard for my bed. Fortunately for me (it really is a beautiful headboard) it is waaaaay out of my price range!

    Thanks for linking up!!! :)


    1. Definitely out my my price range too, but so fun to look at :)

  2. That Safia Sectional looks heavenly

    1. Makes me want to curl up with a book or take a short nap!

  3. LOVE the end tables. I've always been a fan of round ones and I love the color too.

    Stopping by from the Bloggy Moms Blog Hop!
