
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekly Recap!

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!
Our weekend was filled with sunshine and outdoorsy activities including hiking and spending time at the park. We also took Baby A to see Sid the Science Kid at a local library event....she got a free book (Dr. Suess)!

What did you do this past weekend?

I would love to hear your news!

In case you missed last weeks posts amidst all of your fun filled days, here is a recap:

  1. Weekly Recap (last weeks)
  2. Thankful Thursday (Protein, Gym, Family, Food)

There weren't a lot of posts last week as it was a busy week and we spent a lot of time outside with Baby A. 

It is nice not being couped up in doors.

It is 75 and sunny here today so I will be headed out for a bit!

Enjoy your week!
Keep reading for some new recipes coming up soon!

Be Happy Healthy & Strong,


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  1. We have been swimming up a storm. Reagan is getting to be my tan little baby. She loves the water! Love being outside!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. That sounds so wonderful! I love when the weather is nice and we can take Baby A out. Baby A loves the water too, I remember loving it as well as a kid. Summertime is the best time :) Have a great weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!
