
Thursday, May 23, 2013

(TT): Garden Update (video) and more!

I am so thankful for all of the sun we have had. Over 2 straight weeks of sun. I am also thankful for the rain that we got last night, even though it caused a lot of pain and difficulty getting out of bed this morning. The garden needed it.

In my last post I posted a picture of the damage that the roofers had done to our garden. Thankfully, I was able to salvage the garden, and it  wasn't as badly damaged as I had anticipated. Just a little bit of TLC helped get it back and growing again. 

Here is a video of our garden so you can see how it is doing. If you like the little 1 minute videos, I can incorporate more of those onto the blog for recipes and such if you like them.
You can see Baby A's side walk drawings on the porch haha.

Thanks for taking the tour of our garden.

I am also very thankful for the ability to stay home with Baby A, it has really helped her development and self confidence. She is very social and makes friends very easily. She will walk up to any kid ( even a 6 year old) and say hi. I think it is great that she is growing so well. Hubby and I are blessed to have such a wonderful kid.

Be Happy Healthy & Strong,



  1. Hey! I saw this online today and thought of your little girl and her baby doll :)
