
Thursday, June 6, 2013

(TT): Thankful for the Rain.

This is a super quick Thankful Thursday!

I have been swamped with things to do today around the house. It is  diaper laundry day, regular laundry, grocery day, food prep and fridge cleaning out day, and Baby A is full of energy!

I am super happy and grateful to have gotten in an amazing work out at the gym today....despite a bad fibro day and only 2 hours of sleep!

I am really thankful for the rain. It is rainy and gloomy outside and I love it. I am happy about it because our garden needed it and the grass outside needed it. Plus, I love to open the windows on a rainy day and air out the house, it really helps with the allergens!

In addition, I am thankful for the rain in my life. A lot of sucky things have happened this week and last, and honestly I have to say there are moments where I wanted to throw in the towel on everything and give up. However, that would not be good, as failure is not an option. My amazing Hubby scooped me up and dusted me off, and helped me back on my feet. I am truly grateful for him.
I am truly grateful for the rain in my life as it is helping me to see what the good things in my life really are....

and to be completely blunt, the bad things can EFF OFF! I don't have time or energy to put into the negative in my I am concentrating on nurturing the positive.

Things are going to be good and life is getting better.

How are you? Have you ever had one of those weeks where it seems like, when it poured?

Tell me about it!
Be Happy Healthy & Strong,


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