
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MIA but for Good Reason :)

I apologize for being MIA lately. It has been extremely busy around the ReInvented Household. We literally just finished moving into a HOUSE this weekend. So happy to be out of apartments!
It was a long move and with a 2 year old, well, you know that can be both fun and challenging. 
On top of that I have been studying for school and getting ready for a big test, so that has been time consuming as well.
I am 15 1/2 weeks pregnant with Baby B now. It is amazing how much more I feel Baby B early on than I felt Baby A! Also my tummy is much smaller than last time! I haven't  even hit maternity clothes yet.
We have a birth center orientation this week. We are very excited! A new one opened up last year, and a friend told me about it, so we are checking it out. A birth center and home birth weren't an option with Baby A, but both are options with Baby B! 
So many differences, yet so many similarities.
I ended up with a PUPPP rash at 12 weeks with Baby B, but with Baby A I didn't get it until 34 weeks. I have been using natural remedies and THE RASH IS ALMOST GONE! The itch is very minimal. I am so grateful for essential oils.
We have been shopping for cloth diapers, we recently bough some diapers for  Baby B...some Kawaii's and Diaper Safari's. We love them...

Then in a cloth diaper group on facebook I met a really nice woman who just opened an Etsy shop! She sent me a diaper to review!! 
I cannot wait to share my review with you! It is a newborn size diaper, and the quality is incredible. Keep a look out in the next week for a review on Cutie Doodie Diapers!! 

Here is her etsy link the in the meantime so you can check her diapers out:

I am very excited to bring this review to you!

Back to unpacking! We are setting up Baby A's room in the new house, and then tackling the rest of the kitchen! The kitchen here is huge, I feel so spoiled!

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