I have always had sensitive teeth, but they were becoming more and more sensitive and brittle over the years.
I had my suspicions that my toothpaste was causing an issue. I used a major brand recommended by many dentists, but every time I brushed my teeth were more sensitive right after. I even had tooth pain.
This is why I don't use conventional toothpaste.
I switched to a natural toothpaste with no fluoride. My teeth feel stronger, they don't feel sensitive after I brush & I don't have tooth pain anymore. My teeth aren't breaking.
I did some research on fluoride and discovered that it isn't for me. I truly hope one day when I own a house, that we will have a whole house filter to rid our water system of fluoride as well.
I feel that it is that harmful. This is just my opinion & I am no expert, but I do know what does and does not feel good, and well, I have to say that fluoride free feels good to me :)
I read a few articles that I will list as resources at the bottom, but the summary of what I have learned is this:
- Fluoride is poisonous
- Fluoride doesn't prevent tooth decay
- Fluoride can discolor your teeth
- Fluoride dosage cannot be controlled person to person
- Fluoride can accumulate in a person's body
- Dental Fluorosis is not pretty (go here to learn more)
- It can affect your hip bones
- Fluoride has been associated with IQ "deficits" in children
Research for yourself:
- http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/health-hazards-to-know-about/where-the-yellow-went
- http://www.fluoridealert.org/50-reasons.htm
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thomas-p-connelly-dds/mouth-health-fluoridated_b_641767.html
- http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/why_fluoride_is_dangerous_and_should_be_removed_with_fluoride_filters
- http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/brain/
Be sure to come back for the next installment in the Healthy Teeth series!!!!!!!!!
Be Happy Healthy & Strong!
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